Our Motto
'Striving for excellence'
Our Ethos:
The ethos and atmosphere underpin the agreed aims of the school. We strive for a broad and balanced curriculum which develops the knowledge, skills and concepts necessary for future learning. In order to create this ethos as a school we will:
- Provide a stimulating learning environment
- Provide a welcoming environment for all stakeholders in which kindness, respect and good manners are encouraged
- Provide positive role models
- Provide a fair, well-disciplined environment in line with our Positive Behaviour Policy
- Develop links with the local and wider community including pre-schools, high schools and community groups
- Celebrate the success and achievement of individuals and groups in a weekly assembly
- Welcome, support and train students and non-teaching staff
Our Vision:
To teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills so that they achieve their true potential.
Our Aims:
- To raise levels of attainment so that all children achieve their full potential
- To fulfil all the requirements of the National Curriculum and the Locally Agreed syllabus for RE within a joined up curriculum
- To enable all children to learn and develop their knowledge and skills to the best of their ability regardless of gender, race, socio-economic background, SEND or beliefs
- To promote a positive attitude to learning so that children enjoy coming to school and acquire a solid base for lifelong learning.
- To teach children the basic skills of Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing and Maths
- To enable children to be creative and to develop their own thinking.
- To teach children about their developing world, including how their environment and society have changed over time.
- To enable children to be positive citizens in society and enjoy healthy, productive relationships with others
- To respect and value other cultures and have an understanding of fundamental British Values
- To teach children the importance of fairness and truth and to understand right from wrong.
- To enable children to have respect for themselves, to raise self-esteem and to work cooperatively with others.
- To feel safe and happy at school
Aims for our children
- To develop enquiring minds who question and debate logically
- Think creatively and use their imagination
- To become self-reliant, adaptable and take an active part in the community
- To acquire the basic skills in English and maths
- To cooperate with others, become independent and develop confidence
- To develop their own beliefs and values while understanding/respecting the beliefs and values of others
- To strive for excellence in all aspects of school life and to be proud of themselves and their school
Our Values:
Nurture To care for and protect while growing
Respect To admire someone and consider their feelings, wishes or rights
Inspire To be stimulated mentally to do/feel something creative
Compassion To have sympathy/concern for the pain/misfortune of others
Resilience To recover quickly, to spring back
Enthusiasm To have interest and enjoyment of a subject or activity