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Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Tweedale

Mrs Roach is our Classroom Assistants

This page gives an overview on what will be happening in your child's class this year.

What happens and when


Reading books will be changed once a week on a Wednesday.                           


Please make sure the children bring their book bags to school every day as they will need them in Guided reading sessions as well as book change reading sessions.

Homework:                                                                                                                                                   Homework folders go out on Friday

Homework folders are due back in on Tuesday

Spelling tests are on Friday                                                                                            


P.E sessions are on Wednesdays and Fridays, please make sure P.E. kits are left in school in case of any changes to our timetable.


Curriculum Map

Our topics this year

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